PSTD is a common condition many military veterans suffer from, considering the hostile and unfriendly environments they work in. Luckily, it also ranks among the top injuries for which these war warriors can claim compensation.
The government and other vital players ensure that war veterans receive proper post-traumatic stress disorder compensation. Nevertheless, as a veteran, you must understand some of the best ways to maximize your PSTD compensation. This is the information you’ll gather from the points explained below.
Hire a Reliable Attorney
Working with an experienced lawyer carries several advantages when negotiating your PSTD payment after your traumatic experiences in military service. These professionals understand the right steps to increase the chances of maximizing the compensation you receive. The key note here is to hire professionally experienced lawyers, such as those at and
Experience means that the legal practitioner has served in the industry for several years, exposing them to various cases and claims similar to yours. Some veterans make the mistake of going through the compensation process alone without procuring professional legal representation services. A good lawyer knows what they should do to make the process easier and guarantee high pay.
Gather the Necessary Proof
Your compensation amount depends on your proof’s viability and articulateness. You must prove that the experiences you encountered as a military serviceperson led to trauma and stress during or after ending your operation. Word of mouth isn’t enough to convince the government or other parties to compensate you adequately.
You must do everything possible to prove that you have post-traumatic stress disorder. The first step is visiting a psychologist who can prove that you have disturbing memories of your ordeal on the battlefield. The good thing is that you don’t have to go over your head to find a reputable psychologist, considering their numbers have ballooned today.
Be Ready for Your Compensation and Pension Test
Veterans Affairs (VA) takes military veterans through a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam to establish their condition’s severity. VA uses the test to rate you and confirm how serious your PSTD condition is. That’s why it’s advisable to adequately prepare for this examination.
The first thing to always remember is to be as forthcoming as possible and avoid hiding any details regarding your mental health. Moreover, ensure you’re honest about how PSTD affects your daily life to ensure VA grants you an accurate rating. You must attend all scheduled C&P sessions or risk losing your entire compensation. It’s advisable to contact VA in advance if you feel that you might miss an exam for whatever reason.
Consider Filing for Secondary Service Connection
Many veterans don’t know they can file for secondary service connection regarding their PSTD condition. This filing entails listing a condition or conditions that you believe resulted from or were aggravated by your service-connected post-traumatic stress disorder. This claim increases the chances of maximizing the overall rating and PSTD compensation.
Apnea, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are the most common PSTD secondary conditions. Many veterans have benefited from this claim because it shows they’re going through other mental conditions apart from PSTD.
Understand the Law
As a veteran, you must read and understand the laws surrounding VA benefits and compensation. You must ensure you go through the details keenly to understand everything about PSTD payment and compensation regarding military service. Fortunately, this information is readily available today, primarily from the many easily-accessible online platforms.
Suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder means remembering horrible experiences you encounter while serving in the military. This remembrance results in negative physical and emotional reactions. This is why you should consider the best ways to maximize your PSTD compensation by following the above-explained points.